Verified Sellers & Buyers

  1. Presently is following a two-factor authentication for its users with OTPs delivered through email and SMS messages.

    Email Verification

    Verifying is the easiest way for you to build trust in the aagooz community.

    We ask all buyers and sellers to verify their email address when creating an account. Once your email address is verified, you will see the word ‘Verified’ along with a tick in all your Ads posted on

    During the account creation, you will be asked to enter your email address and we will send a link to the email address for verification. Once you receive the email, click the ‘Confirm now’ link. 

    Your email address won't be visible to other buyers or sellers. 

    Phone Verification

    Verifying is the easiest way for you to build trust in the aagooz community.

    We won't ask all buyers and sellers their phone number when creating an account. However, you could enter/update your phone number through the 'My Profile' section.

    To check if your phone number is verified, visit your profile and find the ‘Phone Number’ field.

    If your phone number isn’t verified, enter your phone number and click the ‘Verify’ link to receive the verification code on your mobile. Your phone number is only visible to other buyers if you choose the 'Show Phone Number' option when placing an ad. 

    Once your phone number is verified, you will see the word ‘Verified’ along with a tick in all your Ads posted on

  2. The below steps need to be followed to verify your phone number with

    i) Login to your aagooz account and click on the user icon at the top of the page.

    ii) Click on the 'My Profile' from the dropdown menu.